

BMF de Jure is a comprehensive provider of Polish and English interpreting and translation services, catering to individual, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide. As a one-stop solution, we offer specialised expertise across a broad spectrum of fields, including:

  • Legal;
  • Court (civil, criminal, family, statements, judgements);
  • Government (policy, project );
  • Local administration;
  • Editorial and press (books, e-books, editorials, articles, interviews, speeches);
  • Literature (novels);
  • Business (management, company incorporation, business and board meetings, contracts);
  • Industry (hospitality, medical, fashion)
  • Medical and counselling (GP, hospital appointments, medical documentation)
  • Gaming and entertainment (movies, music, gaming scripts, subtitles)
  • Science and technology (articles, research, IFU-s)
  • Web and digital (websites, apps and games localisation)
  • Marketing (ad copy transfiguration, PR materials, comms plans)
  • Social Media (blogs, social media platforms)

Our team is committed to delivering high-quality, accurate translations and interpreting services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients in these sectors.


At BMF de Jure, we collaborate exclusively with translators and interpreters who possess a minimum of ten years of industry experience. Their extensive background ensures proficiency across a wide range of subjects and equips them to navigate diverse environments with flexibility. Moreover, their deep familiarity with best practices enables them to uphold the highest standards of client confidentiality and data security. This dedication to professionalism ensures that our clients receive expert and reliable services tailored to their specific needs.

Code of conduct & standards 

At BMF de Jure, we strictly adhere to the standards set forth by the Chartered Institute of Linguists in the UK, as well as Polish and British laws that govern translation work within courts, penitentiary systems, government entities, and other authorities. Alongside compliance with these regulations, we actively contribute to shaping professional practices by collaborating with private and governmental organisations to establish fair pay rates and reasonable working periods for translators and interpreters.

Our unwavering commitment to quality ensures that low-standard translation and interpretation services are eradicated, and only individuals with proper qualifications and experience are employed in the field. We firmly believe that linguistic services should not be entrusted to untrained individuals simply because they speak the language. Similarly, automated translation tools like Google Translate cannot replicate the depth and nuance of the human intellect.

In many interpreting scenarios, cultural awareness and the ability to convey cultural context are crucial in de-escalating tensions and alleviating the stress that arises when clients encounter unfamiliar individuals and environments. Our language professionals often provide reassurance and empathy beyond the interpreted content, ensuring that all parties feel understood and supported.

For more information on this topic, watch this video here on linguistics standards. 

                                         PROFESSIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT                                              PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT PROCEDURES


DBS checks

In cases requiring clearance, we are happy to get the DBS done for a particular contract or job. Otherwise we can present DBS issued for our linguistic work with clients and this is available on request.   

Safeguarding standards

Given that our work frequently involves contact with vulnerable individuals, both adults and children, we are required to adhere to legally mandated safeguarding standards. This ensures that we maintain the highest levels of protection and care. To meet these obligations, our team has secured the necessary safeguarding certifications, a comprehensive list of which can be found below.

In addition to these certifications, we continually update our safeguarding training to stay informed of the latest legal requirements and best practices. We also maintain strict internal protocols that reinforce our commitment to creating a safe environment for all individuals we serve. Our dedication to safeguarding goes beyond compliance; it reflects our ethical responsibility to ensure that every client receives the highest standard of care and respect.



Child exploitation          Mental capacity Level 2               Child protection Level 2               Online safety Level 2           Safeguarding adults Level 2                                                                                          Child protection Refresher                                                     Safeguarding adults Refresher                                                                                                2019 Level 2                                                                               Level 2

Client's privacy

At BMF de Jure, we uphold the highest standards of client privacy and strictly adhere to all applicable data security laws. As confidentiality is integral to our work, we are registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner and comply with EU and U.S. data protection regulations. We use only vetted software and applications to minimize the risk of data breaches, ensuring that all sensitive information remains secure and protected.

Our team is committed to continuous improvement, regularly updating our practices to reflect the latest legal requirements and technological advancements in data security. This proactive approach, coupled with rigorous internal policies, safeguards our clients' information at every step of the translation and interpreting process. We believe that trust is the foundation of effective communication, and we strive to earn and maintain that trust through unwavering dedication to data protection and client confidentiality.


We are members of Chartered Institute of Linguists and strictly follow their recommendations concerning qualifications and further education of translating/interpreting professionals.


Professional Indemnity Insurance

BMF de Jure has comprehensive PI and Cyber Cover insurance.


We work and are certified by Zoom and Microsoft Teams. 



Languages: Polish, English, Swedish.