
NEW: Advantages of working with the real person

Posted by E. Buard, MSc on 29th Sep 2020

NEW: Advantages of working with the real person

Advantages of working with the real person. 

Development of the technology made us think that any challenges can be solved by employing right technological tools. Following this logic many organisations try to save money and improve their processes by employing new equipment and training their staff in using it. 
The fact of life is that some issues can be resolved using the state of art technology, but some still require further research and development of practical applications making them easy to use by the average person.
In a field of translation and interpreting we use computers, voice recorders, online dictionaries and their have their role in making the translators and interpreters work easier and faster. Those however are still just tools which are helpful but the do not replace the process of the translating and interpreting as those processes are too complex to replace them by any existing translating software. 
People use number of apps, but they allow to make very basic conversation and completely miss the cultural content hence we have ‘Seasons greetings’ in Catholic countries when this term is not used as far as in the UK or US. Also, those apps are not suitable to make translations on complex topics like medicine and science. They ignore the sociolects and dialects and their unique expressions. 
Talking about the cultural differences, you cannot ask the app, what is the difference between ‘matura’ and A-levels and how they compare as this is the job of NARIC and even if you start digging into details you will still short of information which will lead you to have insufficient knowledge to make the distinction. Additionally, it takes time for the both sides to have certain statements to sink in i.e. that at 16 children can move out of the house in UK for a Polish person whose children cannot leave a house before they are 18. Those differences create quite often mistrust between the communicating people if both of parties do not know the realities of other.
Interpreting by phone are useful but only will get you so far until the person being the client is not stressed and a very good communicator. Surprise statements and clients not forthcoming with details are not suitable for this type of work as often the details are omitted, and incorrect statements are being recorded. The nature of interpreting requires an interpreter to be vigilant as to the client reactions and not only his/hers verbal communication. Such non-verbal assessment is not possible using phone interpreter. 
De-professionalization is a term coined in US to reflect the process by which highly educated and skilled professionals were first displaced and then replaced with individuals of inferior training and compensation. This process concerned first legal and medical professions, but also has been noticed in field of professional translating and interpreting services. De-professionalization leads to omitting important content and taking wrong decisions due to that fact. What more it lowers customer satisfaction of the services that use untrained people to do the translating or interpreting.
How Goggle Translator can kill the content of the communication:


Pobłogosław nam Panie, abyśmy mogli dotrwać Królestwa Bożego.

Translation made by a live person:

Bless us Lord, so we can live through until your Kingdom come.

Google translator:

Bless us, Lord, that we may endure the kingdom of God.

Comment: Totally unacceptable variance in meaning of the sentence.

And now let’s translate an email:


Happy Friday!

This week I want to mention a few things that will hopefully help you get motivated to get moving on your 2020 goals!

First, check out the AMAZING “Build My Business” Super Bundle in the Smart Feature below. Seriously, it includes seven courses (including my own Smart From Scratch), that will give you the information you need to start your business. These courses are premier courses from the best in the business, and it only costs $297 for the whole bundle. (That's only $48 more than you’d pay for JUST Smart From Scratch).

Also, if you haven’t set your 2020 goals yet, it’s not too late! And to help you stay motivated, check out my 2020 Motivation Video on YouTube, where I go out of my comfort zone and share some personal stuff to maybe help you keep your 2020 commitments. This was fun (and a bit scary) to make and put out into the world. But I wanted to be vulnerable and share with you how it’s sometimes hard for me to achieve my goals, and how I overcome my resistance.

I hope you’re having a great start to 2020!


Pat Flynn

Translation made by a live person:

Mam nadzieję, że będziecie mieli miły piątek,

W tym tygodniu chcę wspomnieć o paru rzeczach, które pomogą Ci zmotywować się na tyle, abyś mógł osiągnąć swoje założenia na rok 2020.

Najpierw, sprawdź niesamowity pakiet ‘Zbuduj Mój Biznes’ w Smart Feature poniżej. Uwierz mi, zawiera on siedem kursów (łącznie z moim własnym ‘Inteligentny od początku’), które dadzą Ci wiedzę, którą potrzebujesz, aby zacząć swój biznes. The kursy są najwyższej jakości kursami i kosztują tylko $297 za cały pakiet. To tylko $84 wiecęj niż zapłaciłbyś za tylko ‘Inteligentny od początku’

Na wypadek, jeśli jeszcze nie wyznaczyłeś sobie celów na rok 2020, nie jest jeszcze za późno! I, aby pomóc Ci utrzymać motywacje obejrzyj mój 2020 filmik motywacyjny na You Tubie, w którym pokazuję jak wyjść z tzw. comfort zone i podzielić się osobistymi przeżyciami, które pomogą Ci pozostać wiernym zobowiązaniom na rok 2020. Było to zabawne (i trochę straszne) podczas produkcji i rozpowszechniania, ale chciałem pokazać, że mam wrażliwe punkty i podzielić się z Wami tym, jak trudne jest to czasami, aby osiągnąć moje cele, i jak przezwyciężyć przeszkody.

Mam nadzieje, że będziecie mieli dobry początek 2020 roku.


Pat Flyn

Google translator:

Szczęśliwy piątek!

W tym tygodniu chcę wspomnieć o kilku rzeczach, które, mam nadzieję, pomogą ci zmotywować się do realizacji celów na 2020 rok!

Najpierw sprawdź NIESAMOWITY superpakiet „Build My Business” w Smart Feature poniżej. Poważnie, zawiera siedem kursów (w tym mój własny Smart From Scratch), które dostarczą informacji potrzebnych do założenia firmy. Kursy te są najlepszymi kursami najlepszych w branży i kosztują tylko 297 USD za cały pakiet. (To tylko 48 USD więcej niż zapłacisz za JUST Smart From Scratch).

Ponadto, jeśli jeszcze nie wyznaczyłeś sobie celów na 2020 rok, nie jest za późno! Aby pomóc Ci pozostać zmotywowanym, obejrzyj mój film z motywacją do roku 2020 na YouTube, gdzie wychodzę ze strefy komfortu i dzielę się osobistymi rzeczami, które mogą pomóc ci utrzymać zobowiązania na 2020 rok. To było zabawne (i trochę przerażające), aby tworzyć i wypuszczać na świat. Ale chciałem być bezbronny i podzielić się z Tobą, jak czasami trudno mi osiągnąć swoje cele i jak pokonać mój opór.

Mam nadzieję, masz dobry początek roku 2020!

Twoje zdrowie!

Pat Flynn


1. Variance in meaning of the sentence.

2. Clumsiness of expressions.

3. Some terms are not translated. 

Using apps like: ConveyThis, iTranslate Voice 3, SayHi, TextGrabber, Microsoft Translator, Waygo, MyLingo, TripLingo you can make a basic translation however you cannot be sure of how different end result will be from the source text and this is the reason why most of those software have a function of making a manual translation. 

Languages: Polish, English, Swedish.